Margot courses

Basic DNA Course

In this course you will learn how ThetaHealing®, a form of meditation, is used in a simple and fun way to teach you to get to know yourself better and how you easily make the changes you want in your life, including physical, psychological and spiritual healing.

In this course you will learn

This is the first course of ThetaHealin®g technique, the basics of ThetaHealing® technique will be presented and some things you will learn are:

  • To enter the brain theta wave and how to work together with the Creator of All That is to create any positive change quickly and easily.
  • How to do intuitive readings.
  • Different ways of muscle testing (kinesiology)
  • A identificar tus patrones limitantes, vas a ver de dónde provienen (nivel fundamental, genético, histórico y del alma) y aprenderás como cambiarlos con facilidad. De ese modo vas a eliminar aquello que ahora bloquea tu crecimiento personal en cualquier área de tu vida.
  • A identificar tus creencias negativas y limitantes y cambiarlas por creencias positivas que apoyan tu crecimiento personal y te ayudan a manifestar la vida que deseas.
  • What are the different Plans of Existence.
  • You will receive the activation of your DNA.
  • And the activation of fountain of youth.
  • La Manifestación y como crear la realidad que deseas y alinearte con ella
  • And much, much more !
With this course you will become a ThetaHealing® practitioner, with the possibility of working on you and other people. This course will be a framework in your life. It is your divine right to know who you really are and to use your full potential.

Prerequisite: None, it is the first course of the technique.

Includes: Certificate with international curricular value, Vianna Stibal book and manual

Duration: 3 consecutive days (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday)

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